2052, informe al club de roma por jorgen randers

 (Y una actualización sobre calentamiento climático, que no viene mal: efecto invernadero y c. climático )


This website is a supplement to the book 2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years, written by Jorgen Randers and first published by Chelsea Green Publishing, Vermont, USA in June 2012.

A German translation was published by Oekom Verlag in September 2012 and translations to Italian, Chinese (simple and complex), Korean and Japanese are under way.

This site contains

1. the quantitative basis for the 2052 book i.e. the spread sheet (klick to download)
2. a number of papers by Jorgen Randers that summarise or describe the contents of the 2052 book in various ways
3. a number of external reviews of the 2052 book, organised by language, and
4. an example of a presentation of the book, in the form of a slide set and speaking notes